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act! software was created before the software category of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) was coined. It has grown to be the most popular piece of software in it's category today. This popularity could not have been accomplished simply through the development of a piece of software. It has come about from dedicated people who have made working with act! their business life, some for over 20 years.

Whether they are called act! Certified Consultants, act! Consultants, act! Fanatics, act! Evangelists, or simply act! Resellers, they have all contributed greatly to the product's awareness and success. They not only sell the product, but in most cases, use it every day. Therefore, who better to continue as your act! advisor then the person who is there to help and support you every day.

For this reason, I encourage you to reach out to these people as your supplier of the ACT Mobile Messenger. They will not only look after your interests, but will also ensure I am doing my job in producing a great act! Add-on product, that does not only enhance your experience, but also ensures you can save time and money and do more with less. 

ACC/Partner Policy (act! Consultants/Resellers):

The most important business asset today, other then people of course, is the information a company owns including their customer lists and databases. This is of critical value to an ACC as their clients are their business, they do not own the Act! software after all.

Therefore, we have specific processes and policy in place to ensure that our ACC/Partners maintain their relationship with their customers. This is critical to our success as the ACC community is an important sales channel for the ACT Mobile Messenger. 

ACC/Partner Pricing:

ACC/Partner pricing is available to recognised act! sales channels.
You can even purchase from our online store with your discount code.

_____All Stars
These consultants are standouts in considering the customer needs for a messaging solution with the ACT Mobile Messenger, or made sure the solution was implemented to the customer's satisfaction so that customer continues to use the software after many years with great results.

John Wilson
Jenny Upson
Adrian Day
Chuck Hogan
Frank Buell
Darren Flood
Graeme Leo
Jill Gibson Lanska
Karen Rankin
Mel Boudin